Sunni Welfare Committee Indore

New-128, Old-289, Bazaar, Bombai, Jawahar Marg, Marothia Bazar, Maharaja Tukoji Rao Holker Cloth Market, Indore, Madhya Pradesh 452007
127 Jawahar Marg Indore Madhya Pradesh 452002 IN

“Every great change needs a great revolution” SWC is working in four major sectors Education, Health, Employment and Social Activities under these four sectors various projects are running successfully.

Sunni welfare committee acts as an intermediator between people who wants to help and people who wants help. We connect both the category with each other. Everyone has a feeling to give something to their society but in this busy era no one has time to go and reach to the person living somewhere deep and outreach. Considering all the issues we develop ourselves as consultant who can guide for the right and sustainable charities.