Diapers, formula, pregnancy services, adoption, abortion consultation. Emergency child care assistance program provide families in crisis with temporary child care, thus supporting families through hardship and assisting them to formulate contingency plans for future emergencies.

Since the last three decades and more, Eklavya has been striving to translate this dream into a l...

084356 02550084356 02550
RAAH aims to provide education to the underprivileged and orphan children. For the past many ye...

0731 286 22290731 286 2229
Jan Vikas Society is a registered non-profit organization based in Indore, in the state of Madhya...

0731 247 20790731 247 2079
We are a women and youth driven NGO working for the health and education of children.We believe i...

0731 405 89740731 405 8974
BGMS started work with rural women by imparting them adult education. After some time, it was bel...

0731 287 77340731 287 7734
MPVHA (Madhya Pradesh Voluntary Health Association) as an association came into existence in 1973...

098273 00186098273 00186
AAS would endure to create leaders in different segments of the society, to create awareness abou...

094250 54111094250 54111
PAHAL JAN SAHAYOG VIKAS SANSTHAN is a professionally managed committed NGO active in capacity bui...

0731 408 95210731 408 9521
“AAs” was initiated by seven like-minded youths who came together to spread awareness towards div...

096494 99999096494 99999
1. Treatment of crippling polio affected people through corrective surgeries and making them stan...

0731 259 02950731 259 0295
Hand in Hand India and Socio Economic and Education Development Trust (SEED) are two trusts that ...

0731 403 53280731 403 5328
Nanhe Farishte helps in improving cancer diagnosis,treatment and care for the needy children wit...

098265 37745098265 37745
To help exploited, discarded & Distituted Women, provide them legal help. Their rehabs make t...

“निर्विघ्नम” is a NGO registered under M.P Society Registration Act 1973. The Executive committee...

(0731)- 2555454(0731)- 2555454
SPCWS is an Indian Non-Governmental Organization registered under Society Act that has been carry...

0731 - 24720790731 - 2472079
It was in 1996 that a group of enthusiastic and socialy sensitive women in the city of Indore in ...

We are a non-profit , non-government organization based out of Indore. Established in the year 20...